Day 5: Colorado Springs, CO to Santa Fe, NM

After leaving Colorado Springs, we opted to take a windy route through the Rockies to take in the Colorado feel. Here is one of many cool delapitated frontier ranches we saw on the way...

Here's a view of the little town of Beuna Vista, nestled way way way inside the Rockies. The valleys and passes from Colorado Springs, over the Platte river, to this town were beyond dramatic.

Here's another picture of the Buena Vista valley.

Here's Cole in his namesake park, where we ate lunch after completing a 60-80 mile stretch of the 'famous' UFO highway. The road and terrain was definately eerie and mysterious, and it just so happened we listened to Tom Waits during the stretch. Anyone that knows his music could get a good image of the area just listening. Therefore, we renamed the highway, the Tom Waits highway.

This might have been my favorite stretch... The ranches and mountains were pretty iconic... You need to check it out! -cole
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