Day 4: Topeka, KS to Colorado Springs, CO
The day started with a quick run from Topeka, to Junction City...

We stopped off to see Beth (Cole's sister), and her twins, Julian, and Sophie in Junction City, KS. It was really awesome being able to check in. What are the chances the Constantineaus would have a reunion in the exact middle of the lower 48!

Here's a classic shot of the Kansas countryside, provided by Kansas' finest. The only state trooper seen for at least 600 miles didn't approve of our northeast driving habits. He was very polite, and if it wasn't for the money we have to pay to Kansas, it would have left the state in a better light.

Into western Kansas, the scenery started getting even more expansive, this shot really doesn't do justice to the great plains, but it gives an idea. The Kansas terrain is beautiful in its rolling praries and raw size; just wish we saw more buffalo out there (we did see a few!)!
The terrain slowly shifted, and we noticed the road had a slight upward tilt to it..driving up to the plateau in Colorado...
Nice cloud photos of the plains...The pics are bigger now too and we can really see you.
Like the cute one of sis and babies.
Wierd too...that photo of Cole looks kind of like JP with dark you see the resemblance Johanna????
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