The Big Crunch
The big day has finally arrived. Time to move out of 151 Park Dr. for good! We grouped all of our essential things into a big pile in the middle of the main room, hoping to fit them all in the small confines of the bimmer. Johanna was pessimistic about our chances; and Cole was foolhardy enough to believe they would actually all fit. Cole's mother, Ellie, sister, Cammie, father, Jeff, and family friend Linda all came in to give a hand. Fourtunately, we had already moved the big one the night before (Johanna's harp), and were ready to go with the lighter, less expensive stuff.

The moving crew from left: Jeff, Johanna, Cammie, Ellie, and Linda. Johanna packed the little red car to the max, and believe it or not we had room to spare!


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