A Five Hour Tour!
Spirits were high at the crack of dawn, as it is time to embark on a five hour tour across the San Diegan seas. The Daiwa Pacific is due to leave port in a few minutes; we rush to the door....

No no Miss, you can't go, they would never allow you aboard! Even with all of those fish to scrounge, you wouldn't like the salt water much.

Finally aboard the Daiwa Pacific, we meandered through the harbor...

Out by old Point Loma, the harbor turns to The Pacific

Into a southwesterly wind, the boat crashed through the waves, wafting a mist back to us. Keeping alert, we could tell our quarry was near, the great California Gray Whale is migrating these waters we sail.

Johanna, along with another crewmate scan the horizon for the telltale sign of the whale...

Could that be it?????


As mysteriously as they had come, the giants vanished beneath the waves once again....

Within minutes, the Daiwa was in the midst of a Dolphin forum! A rare sight, 40-50 Pacific White-Sided Dolphin gave the ship an escort to our next objective, the barren Coronado Islands, off the coast of Mexico.

Here comes a friendly one, I think she's trying to tell us something!

Unfortunately, we couldn't speak Dolphin, so we had to move on; you can almost see the dissapointment in her eyes!

The Coronado certainly aren't barren, as its residents would attest. Some are quite cranky, others playful; either way they make sure we know who's island this is...

A few pups accompany us as we make our way away from the leeward side of the island, towards the open Pacific.

The borders of the sea lion town don't extend out here, its way too chaotic for their lounging lifestyle.

However, the Pelicans can just fly away at the sight of a widow-maker wave...

We finally start back towards port, having reached the exotic Coronado islands. This pair of Oystercatchers seems sad to see us go; but nevertheless, my normally rock solid stomach is starting to succumb to the 8-10 foot swells...

Someone wants a free ride to food..... This gull stays with us for over 20 minutes, cruising in our wake.

Ahh, back at Point Loma, the ocean sits down, and the late-risers are out for an afternoon sail

Back in port our land legs return....

And another expedition comes to a close...